Categoria: Especial

  • Orquestra Filarmônica de Technics

    Orquestra Filarmônica de Technics

    Sim, ela existe! Vi aqui no DJ Worx. E também na Mixmag. Junte 30 DJs que dominam a arte do scratch. Tipo o Qbert, Mr.Switch, Swamp, Kentaro, esse pessoal assim… Coloque o traje apropriado em todos eles. Pegue a primeira composição erudita que foi lançada em vinil no ano de 1948, o Concerto em E menor de Mendelssohn. E junte…

  • The end of Music composition as we know?

    Yesterday I came across a BBC article about AI music composing. Interesting article, talking about SKYGGE, the new musical project of French composer Benoît Carré. He’s been in the composition business for a long time and now he just created this album using the help of Flow Machines, “the world’s most advanced artificially intelligent music…

  • Dragon Orb – Novo jogo em VR – Como fiz o Sound Design

    Eu tive a honra de trabalhar neste projeto sueco, e aqui estão algumas notas sobre o Audio para VR, especialmente para jogos onde o som não é o principal. Dragon Orb é um puzzle em VR. Ou, copiando a explicação no Steam: Dragon Orb é um jogo de arcade rápido onde você é desafiado a…

  • New VR Game – Dragon Orb

    I had the pleasure of working on this Swedish project, and here are some notes about Audio for VR, especially for games where the sound isn’t the main thing. Dragon Orb is a puzzle VR game. Or, copying the explanation at Steam:   Dragon Orb is fast-paced arcade game where you are challenged to smash together…

  • 7 horas de música para celebrar o Dia da Consciência Negra

    Nosso colunista Maestro Billy montou uma playlist com mais de 100 sons e 7 horas de duração com o melhor da soul music, funk e um tantinho de jazz.Tem Al Green, Marvin Gaye (foto), Barry White, Billie Holiday e Isaac Hayes, entre muitos outros. Já do lado nacional, os metres Jorge Ben Jor e Wilson…

  • Europe VR Days 2017 – What’s new?

    So, for the third time, I went to Amsterdam to check what was going on at Europe VR Days. The first event in 2015 was great but still small. The second was really great and evolved a lot from the first time. This third year was an awesome experience, not only for learning new things…

  • High Fidelity – Second Life in VR

    This week I was at Europe VR Days in Amsterdam and saw the presentation about High Fidelity. And the presenter was Philip Rosedale himself, the co-creator of Second Life and now co-creator of High Fidelity too. High Fidelity intends to be what Second Life was, but in Virtual Reality. Do you know that Second Life…

  • Instamic. A new way of recording audio.

    In 2015 at Indiegogo there was this tiny microphone struggling to get funding. Instamic. So there I went and made my thing. Spent some money and helped them funding the production of what was supposed to be a good new and discrete way of recording audio. The size of the microphone is the size of…

  • One Hit Wonders. Do you remember?

    One Hit Wonders. Bands that were great. But just once. One song. One smash hit. And that was it… Take a listen. Which one of them can you remember? And, most important, is there someone missing here? 🙂 -Happy Birthday The Ultimate One Hit Wonder by Parry and Mildred Hill, it is a major hit…

  • VR Conference 2017 – Berlin – What I’ve learned about the audience in VR.

    Last week I attended the VR Conference 2017 – 3rd Virtual Reality Conference for Journalism & Documentary. Important to understand, debate, talk about the ways Journalism and Documentary can benefit from the usage of 360 Videos. Since 360 cameras are becoming more and more popular (you can buy a Ricoh Theta for less than US$…