On March 2017 I made a workshop invited by Berliner Festspiele – Maerzmusik Parallelwelten exhibition regarding how Society and Environment shaped Music along History.
The Berlin Sounds Workshop.
The idea was to prove that Music represents the Zeitgeist regarding all Environmental inputs composers and artists receives and that Music evolves and shapes back Society and Environment itself.
Confusing? No, pretty simple!
Watch the video to understand more
Here is the PDF of the event
bfs17_flyer_parallelweltenAnd here the complete presentation in PDF too. From 45.000 B.C. until games today, all interactions between Music, Environment and Society. There are some sounds kmissing but next time you should attend the workshop to hear them…
MaerzMuzik2017Finally, some photos of the “hands-on” experience using Native Instruments Maschine for Music and SFX creation.
The result was fun, the audience had a great time creating the sounds and music, and this video shows how the audio was implemented on the game (All Walls Must Fall from inbetween games)
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