Taming the Piano’s Power: The Art of Subtle Soundscapes

I love the sound of the piano.
I grew up playing piano, starting my first lessons when I was around 8 years old. I’ve continued playing to this day.
However, sometimes the piano’s sound can be a little overwhelming.
Let me explain: The piano, with its 88 black and white keys, encompasses the ranges of all other instruments. Take a look at this image.

When an instrument possesses such range and power, it can sometimes be overwhelming.
For this song, I chose to use treated pianos. These are regular pianos modified with “add-ons” such as felt covering the strings to soften the impact of the hammers, or plastic and metal objects attached to the strings or hammers.
You’ll notice the pianos are present, but they’re not as dominant as a standard piano would be.
In addition to the treated pianos, I layered in synths and even used a foghorn as the bass.
The beautiful wailing vocals come from a sample pack from Splice, a huge database of samples and instruments that you can use by paying a ridiculously low monthly fee. It’s worth checking.
Here’s the link to the song.
I hope you like it!
Thank you for taking the time to explore “Contemplation”, the third track of my album. I’d love to hear your thoughts and impressions.
Feel free to share your experience or any questions you might have about the creative process behind this piece.
I encourage you to check out the rest of the album. Each track has its own unique story and sonic landscape waiting to be discovered.
Stay tuned for more behind-the-scenes insights on the upcoming tracks!
Best wishes,
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