Tag: WaVR
Dragon Orb – VR puzzle game.
VR experience developed by WaVR from Gothenburg, Sweden. Made in Unity3D using room scale properly over various VR enabled devices, the game consists of 55 levels of puzzles, where the player needs to get as much Dragon Orbs as possible, in order to advance. The physical limitations of a human person were taken in into consideration…
Dragon Orb – Novo jogo em VR – Como fiz o Sound Design
Eu tive a honra de trabalhar neste projeto sueco, e aqui estão algumas notas sobre o Audio para VR, especialmente para jogos onde o som não é o principal. Dragon Orb é um puzzle em VR. Ou, copiando a explicação no Steam: Dragon Orb é um jogo de arcade rápido onde você é desafiado a…
New VR Game – Dragon Orb
I had the pleasure of working on this Swedish project, and here are some notes about Audio for VR, especially for games where the sound isn’t the main thing. Dragon Orb is a puzzle VR game. Or, copying the explanation at Steam: Dragon Orb is fast-paced arcade game where you are challenged to smash together…