Tag: áudio
6 dicas para gravar sua voz melhor no telefone
Celular todo mundo tem. E todo mundo pode usar o celular para gravar Ãudio. Seja uma conversa, um som que ouviu na rua, ou até um bate-papo ou entrevista que virará um podcast. Mas, como todo mundo sabe, o microfone dos celulares não é aquela maravilha. Qualidade de hardware baixa e formatos de gravação que privilegiam o…
Lucha Libre expands and opens operation in Berlin
The production company will have international presence focusing on 360, 3D and binaural audio projects. Lucha Libre Audio opens a studio in Berlin, under the command of Billy Mello, “Maestro Billy”, and will focus on 360, 3D and binaural audio projects, growing demands thanks to the popularization of virtual reality content, augmented and others immersive…
Virtual Reality – Ao Balanço do Pandeiro inside Unity3D
Spatial Audio example inside Unity (use headphones) Each moving Spectrum is one instrument of the song, and you can teleport inside the scene using HTC Vive’s controllers. For the full song and album – https://spoti.fi/2Lk9piw Soon available via Steam. Cheers, Billy
Do Pro Tools para o Reaper – uma excelente alternativa.
Muita gente já está largando o ProTools para entrar no maravilhoso mundo do Reaper. O ProTools é ainda (e será por muito tempo) o padrão de qualidade no áudio digital. O produto é extremamente completo, robusto, funcional, de uma qualidade superior e deu a cara para outros softwares que vieram depois, como o Logic, Ableton Live, Cubase e…
Vonderland – Interactive and Multi-Sensory VR
After more than 1 year we finally delivered a steady and fun VR experience with lots of differentials than a regular VR experience people are accustomed to. Vonderland. First, there’s the multi-sensory part. Vonderland is multi-sensory in a way that few other experiences are. -It is a haptic full body experience, meaning that you can…
Workshop – SAE Institute – Meet the Professional
Last month I was invited by Boris Kummerer, the Senior Industry Relations of SAE Institute, to give a workshop and tell students about my career, my relation with Music, Audio, and the many ways we can work with Audio. SAE Institute was founded in 1976 and has since grown to become the world’s largest, industry-focussed creative media…
Workshop – Game Audio – Parallelwelten
Once again I was invited by the Berliner Festspiele for a workshop. This time it was about Audio for Games. Here’s the announcement: How do music and sound effects affect the gaming experience? Sound has always played a major role in video games, be it to emphasize the fun, to help players solve the puzzle…
Workshop – Berlin Sounds – Berliner Festspiele
On 2017 I made a workshop invited by Berliner Festspiele – Maerzmusik Parallelwelten exhibition regarding how Society and Environment shaped Music along History. The Berlin Sounds Workshop. The idea was to prove that Music represents the Zeitgeist regarding all Environmental inputs composers and artists receives and that Music evolves and shapes back Society and Environment…
VR Conference 2017 – Berlin – What I’ve learned about the audience in VR.
Last week I attended the VR Conference 2017 – 3rd Virtual Reality Conference for Journalism & Documentary. Important to understand, debate, talk about the ways Journalism and Documentary can benefit from the usage of 360 Videos. Since 360 cameras are becoming more and more popular (you can buy a Ricoh Theta for less than US$…
Visualizando Som em Realidade Aumentada
Já viu isso? O artista Zach Liebermann criou um aplicativo baseado no ARkit para Realidade Aumentada que “mostra” sons produzidos no ambiente e mostra a onda sonora no local onde o som foi gerado. Tem algum uso prático atualmente? Por enquanto não muito, mas num futuro próximo, quando a Realidade Aumentada sair definitivamente do celular e…